Sabado, Hulyo 12, 2014

The Rice Road

Introduction and the Purpose Of the Story:

          Hello and welcome to the second page of our blog!

          The story called "The Rice Road" has a moral lesson to tell you guys and you may probably learn some traits from this story.

Discussion Director

Name: Antonne Chua

Date: 7-12-14

The Following Questions are given by my friends:

1) What do immortals do like Li Xuan? Why Do they need to pretend? Does the rest of the seven immortals help too?

Immortals can both help us and destroy us. I think they pretend because I think they have a rule to not show their faces to the public while helping or destroying. The rest of the seven immortals are only spoken of in the story so I don't know if they do help or not.

2)Is Kuang Zi Lian the only ruler of the town?

 Kuang Zi Lian Is the only ruler of the town spoken of but in the story there are visitors in his birthday party so they could be also be a minor ruler of the town. So I don't know if He is the only ruler of the town.


Character Captain

Name: Pauline Roma
Story you are reading: The Rice Road

Kuang Zi Lian as Dan Millman(Scott Mechlowicz)

          So Kuang Zi Lian was like Dan Millman on the story, The Peaceful Warrior because of what he wants to be successful by looks and by fame.

         Kuang Zi Lian was like Dan Millman because first, he’s a rich man and his clothes were made up of the most exquisite and expensive silks. A man who loved to show off his wealth by having the biggest and best of everything.

           Kuang Zi Lian is adventurous and inventive. He was the first guy who thought about the rice under the carpet as a rice road. He is rich because he is able to do everything he wants. A mean and selfish guy also because he doesn’t care about others. A bossy because he wants everybody in a hurry. And the best thing I could describe, he is dangerous because he could kill people just by saying.

            He’s a boastful and greedy merchant, a selfish man who doesn’t care about others. He only cares about himself and rich people like him. That’s why people especially beggars around him trying to escape to a big punishment from a small problem that may cause them die.

Zhao Shen Xiao as Ryan Ackerman(Chris Evans)

            Zhao Shen Xiao was like Ryan Ackerman at the story, Cellular because on the story, he helped the woman who was kidnapped. He's humble because he followed what the kidnapped woman says and not afraid to be killed by the illegal gangsters. It was just for him to help the woman and her family from trouble. 

            Zhao Shen Xiao at first was just worried at the beggar who cannot eat but at last, he did not doubt helping them. It was like Ryan at the story because at first, he's not believing about the woman that says she was kidnapped. But, he ended helping the woman for his worry. 

            Zhao Shen Xiao is simple by the look of Chinese magistrate who helps people.

               He is a kind of a curious guy since he observes very well especially around him. A gentle guy because he’s not violent. He helps people who need help. A humble person too because he’s always doing the right thing to do. Honest because he told the truth about whom the beggar they killed is. And the nicest to describe a person like Zhao Shen Xiao is a trustworthy person.

            He helps for the people who needed help from him especially when making the right things from the wrong situation like Kuang Zi Lian’s case. Even he has nothing to do about the rice road because of Kuang Zi Lian could use his riches as he pleased, he was still  saddened and thought of all hungry people in the towns and villages.

Li Xuan as a boy version of Carrie White (Chloe Grace Moretz)

           Li Xuan is like the boy version of Carrie White at the story, Carrie. She's a bully, acting that she's just a simple girl but then, revealing the truth that she has deep powers and took a moral lesson for the people who bullied her.

            Carrie White was like Li Xuan, acts a poor citizen by wearing a beggar look that’s why some people feel he is pity while Kuang Zi Lian and other rich people feels he’s useless to the community.

            Li Xuan is really something since he is brave and bold to act as a poor citizen who wants to ask food from the chef. He’s not afraid to be killed. And the best thing I could describe him is an intelligent and smart God. He hide secrets and revealing the truth at the right time and punishes people who needs to learn lessons especially Kuang Zi Lian because he is one of eight ordinary human being who had found the road to truth and enlightenment through good deeds.

            He didn't tell he is one of the Eight Immortals. He doesn't boast but he made the right thing to do. Because first, he sacrificed himself even if he’s an immortal just to save people around him from hungriness. He respected the food and the people around him.



Name: Ferlyn Payusan        Story: The Rice Road
Date: 7-12-14                                  

The Rice Road
(A Taoist Myth)

    The merchant farmer Kuang Zi Lian was very rich. He loved to show his wealth by having the biggest and best of everything. He owned thousands of fields, his clothes were made up of the most exquisite and expensive silks and his enormous home was crammed full of priceless treasures.
    For his birthday, he planned a most spectacular banquet. He ordered a thick layer of rice under the carpet through his house so that it will be the smoothest walk for his guest. Kuang Zi Lian saw this in the way to show how rich and important he was to make a road out o f it.
    The magistrate Zhao Shen Xiao was good and honest man.
    On the day of the banquet itself, the beggar walked along the armies and servants who where rushing here and there finishing the last minute preparations. The beggar begged, but the cooks didn’t give him any food. Two guards caught the beggar and they threw and kicked him outside.
    The landowners came. While they were eating, the cries of delight turned to shriek of horrors, the bowls of rice turned to bowls of maggots and the noodles became writhing worms. Then the bowls themselves became too hot to hold. The finest rice wine took on the taste of mud water.
    Kuang Zi Lian went to the beggar and kicked him. Some beggars reported the murder to the magistrate Zhao Shen Xiao. Zhao Shen Xiao arrived with the policeman. He find a single piece of paper from the pocket of the beggar. Zhao Shen Xiao said that the beggar is Li Xuan (sometimes called Tie Guia Li). Li Xuan was one of the Eight Immortals and almost a god.
    Kuang Zi Lian threw himself and at the mercy of the magistrate. Remember the piece of paper, it said that, “Spare Kuang Zi Lian’s life, make him a road sweeper.” They placed Li Xuan in a coffin and he disappeared and he was back with other seven and tell them the lessons he had thought that day.


Literary Luminary

Name: Globy Labuca
Story you're reading: THE RICE ROAD

“Have the holes filled a red carpet laid on top, leading under the gate house through my gardens, and up to the front door,” he ordered.
Page __40__
Paragraph _4__
I chose this passage due to how inventive Kuang Zi Lian was. He wants a great grand party so he wants a great grand entrance for his guests but make other people die out of hungriness. And this is one of the lines I cannot forget.

“And don’t just fill the holes. I want a thick layer of rice under the carpet so that it’s the smoothest of all walks for my guests!”
Page __41__
Rice is really important. We cannot eat comfortable without it. This is the first source of people so they’ll escape from hunger. And with Kuang Zi Lian, he wants to step the rice from the guests so it’ll be the smoothest walk? He should respect the food!

 I cannot move on from this line because I feel mad about him.

“My wife and children have not eaten for days.”
Page __41__
Paragraph _13__
This is one of the best lines of the story I cannot forget. Because here, you could see how Kuang Zi Lian being so selfish and do not care about other people’s health. Because for him, he wants to be nice to the guests but the truth, he is a devil out of nowhere. And thinking about just for himself and for his guests, so I could say he is so childish.
“This was no thief neither beggar. This was Li Xuan.”
Page __43__
Paragraph   _41__

I chose this passage ‘cause it makes me feel comfortable for Kuang Zi Lian to know his mistakes. And to be so confident that he didn’t know who he collided and killed with. And this line strikes him to be so good at acting that he is sorry.

“I will spare you your life, so long as you spend the rest of it as a road sweeper.”
Page __43__
Paragraph   __37_
I really love this passage as a moral lesson to Kuang Zi Lian. What he wants, he gets but he didn’t know that everything he wants will make him down. This is a good punishment to a selfish Kuang Zi Lian. It is for him to feel good at the wrong times but feel bad until the rest of his life, as road sweeper.



Name: Marella Patino   Date: 7-10-14
Story you are reading: THE RICE ROAD

(Based on the story of The Rice Road)

 When I read the story, The Rice Road, it reminded me on someone.
     I have an uncle named Ariel (father side), who is rich and working on DOLE.
     My father has 13 siblings. Among them, Uncle Ariel is the oldest son and the first successor of the family who graduated in NDDU.
     Whenever they have their reunion, he always boasts that he has new appliances, gadgets and also the most successful among them.
     Sometimes, when we need to borrow money, we were able to ask help to him but he wouldn’t allow because he always say he has no money but the truth is he had.
     But then, last year until now their family was on a crisis because of firing him from DOLE. He and his wife always argue and we know that they feeling down already. So as a family, we give them advices, so on and so forth.
     He would thank us for still receiving him as the oldest brother of the family. It’s like on the story because it’s a kind of karma for him to learn lessons. And hope that he’ll back to work and find a new job to raise his family. He could do everything so he’s luckier than Kuang Zi Lian. Because Kuang Zi Lian will be forever a road sweeper while Uncle Ariel is not.


Vocabulary Enricher

Name: Trizzia Almonicido

Date: 7-10-14

Novel you're reading: THE RICE ROAD

Word selected 

Definition based on context -- use of dictionary is encouraged!

-extremely beautiful and typically delicate.
Ex. The painting is exquisite.
-a sumptuous feast, an elaborate and often ceremonious meal for numerous people often  in honor of a person
Ex. We had a banquet at his house.
 -an official entrusted with administration of laws
Ex. The magistrate of China came to the town.
 -to make sad or to become sad
Ex. The boy was saddened after the loss of his father.
 -to move or go lightly on or  go if on a buoyant medium
Ex. She wafted on a rope bridge.
-any of various clear or colored synthetic organic coatings that typically dry-to form a film by evaporation of the solvent
Ex. The lacquered shine is beautiful.
-great in deeds or exalted in place  splendid feast
Ex. The magic show was magnificent.
-raised area of skin containing watery liquid
Ex. He looked horrible he was blistered.
-to feel distaste; shock
Ex. They were horrified of the random encounter.
-one that looks on especially a passive spectator
Ex. The onlookers was shocked at the accident that took place at the cross roads.
-a pot-shaped cavity in a rock, as that worn by loose stone gyrated in an eddy
Ex. The potholes caused by the clean up were gone.
-the nape or outer back part of the neck
Ex. The scruff of this costume was magnificent.
-to flow or run drop by drop or in a very thin stream
Ex. Trickle of water was left in the bottle.
-excessive or extraordinary in size, amount or degree
Ex. The boulder is enormous.
-to sparkle, especially with reflected light
Ex. The water glistened beautifully after the sunset.
-to press tightly
Ex. He crammed the dough so he could make small biscuits.
-physically exhausting; fatiguing
Ex. The workers did backbreaking work because of the night shift.
-to be filled with wonder; surprise
Ex. His marveling look made us laugh. 
-violent anger; wrath; fury
Ex. His raged hasn't been released for days.
-to pull out or off; snatch or drag
Ex. The apples were plucked from the apple orchards.


Artful Adventure

Name: Pauline Gatan
Story: The Rice Road  (A Taoist Myth)

               "One must not simply use other people's primary resources too much for useless thing."


       This quote strikes Kuang Zi Lian. Because he uses food, which is to be respected and to be eaten by people. But what he did was just to fill them under the carpet so it'll be the smoothest walk for his guests. And that's a work of devilish people.

       Somehow we need to be considerate. We should be proud of what we have but not waste what other had, especially their primary source which is the rice. And if when we'll use it, it should be to help people, not to step beyond the food. 


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